Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hello real world, apparently it's time we've met.

Many people have asked me to keep in contact and let them know what's going on in my life after I graduate. So this is how I plan on accomplishing this goal of informing everyone what's going on in my life.

For those unaware graduation is in, technically speaking because it's after midnight, 5 days. This is both nerve-wrackingly exciting and terrifying all at once. I'm going to be graduating with a BA in Biology, which at some point I plan on using to mold young minds with. (Science for the win!)

Before I go much further I should probably apologize in advance:
1) I ramble. A lot. But if you can stick through it I tend to come to decent points.
2) Sorry for any and all grammatical errors (and my overuse of the transition of "so"). I will try very hard to proof-read, but as I'm sure quite a few of my professors can attest too, that doesn't always work well.
3) At any point in time that I go too far in depth into something incredibly dorky or science-y.
4) I make up words. A lot of words.
5) I also enjoy making lists.
6) Anything else that might seem disagreeable.

So you have been warned and we shall continue with today's ramble.

More information... Right so a question I've been receiving to a major extent:

Shelby, What are you doing with your life after graduation?

This is a terrifying question. But I have some pseudo-answers now that I didn't have a couple months ago:

1) I will be working at Glacier National Park this summer at Rising Sun. I'm working as a house-keeper for glacier. I am also working with A Christian Ministries in the National Parks (ACMNP - not quite as catchy as S.H.I.E.L.D.). This means I will be helping plan and lead worship services on sundays. This starts in June and goes until September.

2) I will be going to Belize in December on a study-abroad trip as a post-bach. I am incredibly excited to have this opportunity. It will be a great learning experience and I get to hang out on sandy beaches with some of my favorite professors. How could I pass up this amazing opportunity.

3) Now here's where it gets a wee bit difficult, as of returning from glacier to leaving for Belize and starting January, I have NO idea what I'm doing. None at all. I don't know where I'm living, or what I'm doing with my life.......


4) At some point in the next year to twoish years I will be attending grad-school (don't know where) to get my masters in teaching and my teaching certificate so I can tell high schoolers all about the wonders of science. And why they should at least enjoy learning about it, if not absolutely love it.

I will try to update this regularly. That being said, I've been trying to keep a diary since fourth grade and that was never regularly written in. So if there are random long lengths of time, atypical from the other gaps between posts, I also apologize in advance for that.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this post and to everyone who will continue to follow me on my journey of becoming this mystical creature known as "a-real-adult".


PS I feel like I should have some sort of sign-off catchphrase... I'll work on that.

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