Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Thank you for trying to reach me, please leave a message after the beep. *BEEP*

Hello everyone.

It's quite an exageration when I say I haven't posted anything in a little while. I did pre-apologize for this hardship of mine to do things, like blogging, consistently. But I will apologize again, especially for anyone who might have randomly thought, "I wonder what Shelby has been up to recently?"

I can honestly tell you that I have been quite busy.

And the next month is going to be quite busy and crazy. Moving, weddings, job hunting, etc. etc. All that adult stuff I'm supposed to do now that I've been graduated from college for *cringes* over a year now.

That being said, after the next month happens, I promise that I will be more settled and will fulfill my blogging duties and give anyone who wants to know all the detail and more that they could want to know about my life since my last blog post.

I would love to impart more detail now, but sadly there are still quite a few things up in the air.

So I will leave you with this sad excuse of a life update so you know I'm still alive, until I can do a better job.

TTFN (ta ta for now)

Friday, February 14, 2014

So, Here's De Urth....

Pretty sveet urrth nice an' round.

Anywho, so I realize that I'm the absolute worst at this whole blogging thing. I'm going to give you a quick summary of the past 6 months. Some parts will have more detail (closer events more likely). And in the event that y'all actually want to know more about any particular event please feel free to ask and I can let you know more. If I remember more that is. (I'm like 80.... Shhhh!)


Glacier. It was pretty much an amazing summer with amazing people. But like all amazing things, you tend to remember the amazing things and rush over the troubles. I loved 90% of my co-workers and didn't really know like 8 of the other 10%. That being said, towards the end of the summer I had daydreams of killing almost all of them.

That's what happens when you stick a small-ish group of people in a place they can't really leave for 3 months. We lived in dorms, we ate in a cafeteria, we spent all of our time together. So we found out all of the things that drive each other crazy, and proceeded to do them to each other and not always unintentionally.

However, I still do talk to a solid chunk of the friends I made there. I miss them. And let me tell you about some of the shenanigans we got up to.

We went cliff jumping, and I got close to the edge because as we all know I'm a total clutz and I didn't want to scrape myself down the cliff if I tripped and fell off the edge. As I stepped up to the edge, it literally broke off under my feet and went crashing into the water 15 feet below. Had I gone with it I'm sure several bones would've been broken and I would have been bleeding. Luckily I did not go with it and the giant piece that broke off did not hit Claire. But that is the most terrified for my life I have ever been, and I would not like to repeat it.

Chelsea and I went up to Canada. Drumheller, Alberta is the home to The Royal Tyrell Museum of Paleontology. And their entire town is themed in dinosaurs. The WHOLE city. It was amazing. We went dinosaur hunting. Took a ton of pictures and the museum was just beyond amazing. Never have I nerded out so hard. Especially since I had more or less just finished taking Vertebrate Biology, a course where we devoted a unit to dinosaurs and other fossily things. It was nerd heaven. I actually contemplated moving to Canada to work there.

Claire and I went hiking to Iceberg Lake where we made the incredibly intelligent idea to swim out to an iceberg and climb on it. It was literally freezing. I lost feeling in the tips of a couple fingers for like an hour after. But I sat on an iceberg. It was pretty fricking amazing.

We had a staff Olympics. Where I ended up playing poker, and potentially would've won if I hadn't needed to work 3 hours after I finally just gave up. I was playing against my boss. He did it on purpose. And just kept smiling at me. Such a jerk. Great boss. Still a jerk. There was also a scavenger hunt which Chelsea and I successfully (with some help from others) found all of the clues which included climbing into caves surrounded by a forest of stinging nettles, climbing bee infested trees, trekking through the lake, climbing under bridges, and required an extensive knowledge of painters, the grounds and pop culture references also the airport code for some random airport in canada (which btw, was YWY because the clue was hidden in a car with the license plate YWY 007). It was so much fun.

But the summer wound down and we closed. Which was mostly awful. The housekeepers are pretty much the last staff to leave because we not only had to clean all the guest rooms, but also all of the dorms. It was an intense three days of almost killing each other. And then Claire and I ran off to Missoula for a night and then we were off to washington.


So after Glacier I came back to Spokane where I worked for like 3 weeks (not much to say there) and then immediately left again to go visit my family in Reno and then to Seattle/Bellingham to visit friends and celebrate Claire's 21st birthday!

My family and I went and visited my grandpa in Wendover which is literally on the state border between Utah and Nevada. There is an actual painted line across the main road that says Utah on one side and Nevada on the other. It was a great trip. We played stupid car games, lit off fireworks, shot guns, drove a polaris, got to ride in a firetruck, and my favorite part, went and saw the salt flats in Utah.

The best part about that, and why it was my favorite was that it had recently rained like hardcore. They were completely flooded and it was gorgeous. It was a complete mirror of the sky. It was so ethereal and unreal but so gorgeous.

And then I returned to Spokane where I worked again, but also only for like 3 weeks where I promptly left for Seattle again because I was going to:


Belize, Belize, Belize. Was such an amazing trip, completely un-Belize-able. I played beach volleyball. Got completely soaked on multiple occasions by downpours that coined the term downpour. You could've showered in it. In fact it was better water pressure than our showers. Not that we showered much. You just were kind of always wet. I aced all of my ID exams which I was sooooooo proud of because the first day we went snorkeling, I was completely true to myself, I was super clutzy, kept laughing and getting water all up in the snorkel and my mask and mouth. But by the end I was diving and staying steady to take pictures and could identify almost every fish that swam by.

We got to see huge manta rays. AND AND AND AND BABY SEA TURTLES. Like the kind that literally just hatched. We got to hold them. It was amazing. In fact it completely interrupted one of the lectures (I want to say I'm sorry Dr. Nelson, but baby sea turtles!!). Oh and I got stung by an anemone. That was really exciting. And by exciting it felt like that strip of skin on my leg had fallen asleep. Like the prickly pins and needles asleep. But it went away after a day so it wasn't too awful.

The food was amazing. Everything was fresh. In fact I ate conch directly after it was pulled into the boat that we were snorkeling from. Conch is actually really good. It's like a slightly tougher clam (for reference). And coconuts, I miss fresh coconuts so much.

I had some doubts about going on this trip. Prior to going, because I had graduated, I knew the professors and three of the students. I was so surprised by what an amazing time I had getting to know everyone who went on the trip and I'm so incredibly glad I went.


So after leaving Belize, I went back to Reno for the holidays (Woo family time!).

And now I'm back in Spokane. Working at McDonald's where I have recently been promoted to Swing Manager. It's a pleasant change. Not only do I make more money, but it's nice to know that I'm promotable, and that all of my hardwork and effort has been noticed and appreciated.

I'm also volunteering in both a Biology and Chemistry class. Just sort of helping out the teachers with set up and grading and also observing their teaching. Because even though McDonald's manager doesn't say it, I still want to teach high school science (it's a process).

I'm happy. Not carefree, but happy for the first time in a long time. Too long of a time.

So that's where I am. Sorry for such a looooooooooooooooooooong hiatus-y type dissapearing act. I will try not to do it again. (I make no promises that it won't though.)

TTFN (ta ta for now)

Monday, December 23, 2013


Hello all,

I have no idea how many of you know, but I just spent the last 11ish days in Belize. And for those of you who were like me a couple a months ago and don't really know where that is, it's on the gulf side of Central America.

And let me tell you just how amazing it was being there. But before I go on gushing about things that will make several people jealous, I just want to talk about the things that used to be normal, now seeming weird since I got back in the states last night. (Everything else will be talked about later when I upload my pictures.)

Weird things in the order (approximately) of how I encountered them.

1. Shoes.... Spent most of Belize on a private island barefoot. Shoes are weird.
2. Flushing toilet paper.... Most drain systems are too old and can't handle it so they throw it in garbage cans.
3. Phones.... It's really odd being able to talk to people that aren't in the same room as you.
4. Feeling dry... We were either snorkeling, getting dumped on or sweating. Literally almost never dry.
5. Wearing dry clothes.... see above.
6. Waking up at noon.... After only kinda sleeping while travelling and getting home after 1:30 am and not going to bed until after 2 sometime, I can't exactly call it sleeping in, but I've also been getting up at about 6.
7. Being alone..... I travelled with a group of 28. I was never alone for longer than like half an hour.
8. Warm showers/water pressure... Didn't have it. Wasn't super necessary on the island. Necessary here.
9. Feeling wet in comparison to your surroundings.... Getting out of the shower and being the only wet thing in the vicinity was weird. Everything was wet in belize. You didn't even really need to towel off really.
10. Cold...... I'm losing feeling in my fingertips writing this.
11. Pants.... Like shoes I haven't worn pants since the day we arrived in Belize. Shorts all the way. I'm still wearing shorts. My body doesn't agree with my fashion choice.
12. Mirrors.... Can't believe I almost forgot that one. I looked in a mirror twice in belize. I have now had a pretty consistent run in with them. I prefer belize on this one.
13. Not hearing really bad puns..... (hence the title)

All right I think that wraps it up so far. I will try my hardest to get another update and pictures very very soon.

TTFN (ta ta for now)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Like Life Isn't Hard Enough As A College Student...

...Sometimes administration likes to make it worse. Now I'm sure some of you are incredibly confused. Didn't I start this blog talking about how I graduated. This blog isn't going to be about me. Not today. Today it's going to be an incredibly passionate rant on something that I find incredibly intolerable and absolutely infuriating. And before you tune me out, please give me a chance. These stories need to be heard and things need to change.

Before I begin I'd like to say that I loved my time (for the most part) at SPU and if I could go back in time I would still go to SPU. My teachers were amazing and I have made some of the best friends I could have ever asked for.

So this story begins with a sad tale of an administration preaching the phrase "grace-filled community." And sadly falling far short of that. Many of you probably don't know that I had some serious troubles getting through college, I suffered stress-induced chest pains that would get so bad I couldn't physically move, stress-induced panic attacks that would almost make me faint or puke, and a depression that led me to think of suicide. So I went to my counseling center where the counselor I met with didn't seem to be all that engaged with my problems. So I stopped going, and I dealt with my problems on my own and with the support and immense help from one of my professors who I can not thank enough.

Others weren't so lucky. SPU like all good institutions are terrified of liabilities. And the other stories that I have heard, make me glad that I stopped going to the counseling center and were part of the reason I stopped. Because regardless of how hard things got, SPU was where I needed to be. And these stories made me scared of being cast away from the haven I found there.

These stories aren't mine to tell, but after I get permission from those that they belong to I'll add links in the comments. What I didn't know this past year though, was that wasn't just an SPU thing. This is something that happens at other institutions too. And what happens is worse.

Please read this article too!!

And then if you could, sign this petition?

With the amount of stress that is involved in college and the amount of pain and suffering poor students go through that suffer through diseases like depression it astounds me that colleges that claim to have your back would and could get away with doing such despicable things. We pay these instutions an arm and a leg and then they treat us like this. This is so outrageous to me. This NEEDS to STOP.

Thanks for being patient with me but this is something I feel very passionate about.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Teasers And Finales

Okay soooooo.......

I did warn you that I'm bad at updating stuff. But I am suuuuuuper sorry I practically haven't talked about like over half of the season.

And I will. However, this blog won't be that long. I am going to give you a teaser list of what's to come.

1) Karen came to visit!!!!
2) My near death experience.
3) All the hikes I have yet to talk about and how awesome they are!
4) Massive co-worker drama.
5) Bears, bears, bears.
6) Canada
7) DINOSAUR MUSEUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so now that teaser list is written, can I just say how crazy it is that's already half way through september?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'm at this weird place where I feel like I've been here and known these people for years, but at the same time it also feels like I got here like two weeks ago.

I have today off and then tomorrow is a half day and we kick out all the guests at like noon-ish to start the closing procedure. Then it's just 4 full days of crazy closing and Claire and I will be on our way back to Washington. It's so crazy. It is just hitting me now that this summer is over. I am not mentally prepared for summer to be over yet. It's bizzarre.

Anyway I just figured I'd do a quick little update to let you all know that I haven't fallen off of a cliff or gotten eaten by a bear.

I will do a legitimate update soon (hopefully), with pictures and everything.

Thanks for being patient!!

TTFN (ta ta for now)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

(Insert Catchy Title Here)


So just as a head's up this one's going to be relatively short because I believe I'm getting sick and I only got like 4 hours of sleep the past two nights so I'm a little tired.

So things that I've done. Oh so Claire, Kylor and I went down to the beach twice now. (The water is freezing. But it does feel great on really warm days).

Ummmmmmmm....... I've gone to a couple campfires. Those were a lot of fun.

Claire, Luke and I went hiking. It was really fun. And gorgeous. And incredibly difficult because like the smart people we are we decided to do highline backwards. Which means we were ascending the entire time unlike all of the people who passed us going the opposite direction. But it was gorgeous.


Luke's trying to get Giardia.

We're all super attractive.

The view.

So I've lost steam. I think I'm going to go take a nap and drink some orange juice. My next post will better.

TTFN (ta ta for now)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Leap of Faith (In A Sense)

Hi y'all.

So we didn't end up going to Avalanche Lake yesterday. We gathered everyone up to late. So we ended up going on a short hike nearby to St. Mary's Falls and Virginia Falls.

St. Mary's


It was Claire, Luke, Kylor and I that all went.

Luke and I

Kylor and Claire

We ended up seeing my 4th bear. I was in front (watching my feet because I'm a clutz and I don't want to trip) and all of a sudden Kylor grabs my backpack and says "Stop! There's a bear." And at first we thought he was just kidding but when we all looked about 40 feet from us was this:

It was super overcast when we started so we all were dressed for potentially getting wet. What I didn't plan for was getting soaked. Especially since it wasn't rain that soaked us. (These are all at St. Mary's)

Claire jumping.

Me taking the plunge

This is like Kylor's 5th jump

We finally got Luke to hop in.

Kylor jumped from the other side.

Some random guy decided to one up Kylor and jump from a higher place. 

We lucked out though because after we got back, we decided we wanted pie and then on our way back from that it started downpouring. Unfortunately Kylor had to go to work, so Claire, Luke and I watched silence of the Lambs and then sat on the porch and watched the storm.

Overall it was a pretty fantastic day off. Sadly my next day off is Sunday. But it's all good.

TTFN (ta ta for now)